Recurring Service Revenue Calculator

Calculate Potential Earnings of Service Reminders

Try the calculator below to estimate how much revenue your field service business could generate with service reminders. Simply enter the number of installations you complete per year (that require a follow-up service), plus the average length and hourly charge for a service. The calculator will do the rest!

Recurring Revenue Calculator

Number of installs a year
Length of service hour(s)
Hourly charge £
Over the next years
*You may need to change your current workflows or adopt new software or tools to achieve this potential revenue.

The recurring revenue calculator displays your earning potential with service reminders. For every asset that you install this year (that needs follow-up maintenance or servicing), you should ideally be sending a reminder to the customer the next time the service is due. This increases the chance of the customer choosing your business for that service and can generate a steady source of income. As you continue to install more assets, you should expect the number of future service jobs to grow too, providing increasing yearly revenue.

Benefits of Service Reminders


Increase Service Revenue

If you're not staying on top of upcoming services for customers, you're likely missing a valuable stream of revenue. Reminding customers about these services is the first step to getting more business.
thumbs up

Improve Customer Experience

Customers mostly want to keep their assets maintained and working smoothly, sometimes this is even a legal requirement. Receiving a reminder about any upcoming services makes this easy for them.

Plan Resources Better

Knowing how many services you will likely complete next month or next year can help you plan and allocate resources. Sending reminders during quiet periods can also help even out your workload.

Looking for a Solution?

Managing service reminders without software can be difficult and burdensome for your staff.

Check out Commusoft’s automated service reminder tool that will send reminders for you!

Learn More