
Voity Electrical Testimonial

Voity Electrical Is Working Smarter, Not Harder, With Commusoft

Voity Electrical, located in Rutland, Vermont, provides world-class electrical services for residential and commercial clients.



Rutland, Vermont, USA

Electrician engineer measuring voltage
I can't say nice enough things about Commusoft. It made us grow up and actually think about what we really want.

Voity Electrical has operated out of Rutland, Vermont since 2017. Mary-Rachel Voity manages the office while her husband, Matt, leads the electricians in the field. This team provides world-class residential and commercial electrical services. Mary-Rachel met with us to discuss how Commusoft revived their business and helped elevate their workflows.

Before Commusoft

Hard work and passion are two trademarks of Voity Electrical; but while they were working hard, they were drowning under the stress. Mary-Rachel remembers their past workflows:

“It just wasn’t working… there was no open communication. Everything was in Matt’s head. And if we were gonna make the move of hiring someone else, we needed to be able to have a system in place where we would be able to empower the crew leader with information.”

She continues, “It’s about working smarter, not harder… My heart was breaking that my husband was working so hard. He wasn’t able to be part of the family.” Voity Electrical needed to resuscitate their daily operations. Mary-Rachel set out to find a job management solution, and found Commusoft.

She walked us through her decision-making process,

“The most important thing for the crew was having the ability for the system to be offline and still connect when it got into service and still retain all the information. So it wouldn’t stop the workflow; one less thing for them to worry about. That really weeded out what we were looking at.”

Commusoft mobile app working offline

Commusoft’s powerful field service engineer app works offline and syncs when a WiFi signal returns.

Growth is important to Voity Electrical, and helping clients grow is important to Commusoft. Mary-Rachel elaborates; “Commusoft allowed us to grow up as a company and allowed us to be able to move forward. I can see this software growing with us, or we’re going to be growing with the software. And that was huge.”

Training With Commusoft

Mary-Rachel describes Commusoft’s training and on-boarding process as “wicked easy”.

She continues,

“I’ve been in CRMs before; the logic of Commusoft was very easy for me to pick up. I was able to catch up really fast and it made me have to think about the things I should be doing. There was a great framework of being able to organise everything in a system. I don’t recall a process or procedure where I wasn’t able to have two different ways to solve it.”

Learn more about our training and onboarding process.

Revamped Daily Workflows

Commusoft’s flexibility and customisation made it easy for Voity Electrical to reinvent their workflows.

Mary-Rachel states,

“Commusoft allowed us to be able to change our process and procedures, because we didn’t know what we were doing. With the flow, who’s doing quotes, and just everything. The system allowed us to do and experiment different ways to do processes and be able to change on a dime”.

Commusoft is all-inclusive and flexible; we take the guesswork out of field service. With important processes standardised and organised, our clients can handle their operations with confidence. Voity Electrical doesn’t wonder what comes next anymore; they’re in control.

Currently, Voity Electrical operates with a “one to five” ratio of office staff to technicians. Mary-Rachel’s office schedule is optimised and efficient. She explains, “I’m able to get a routine in place because I have the reports. I’m posting payments, I’m making my deposit slip all in Commusoft and then I start uploading all the supplier’s invoices and putting it underneath the job numbers.”

Supplier invoice in Commusoft

She continues,

“Before this, when it was billing time, we were searching through papers, we were trying to pull this, ‘what was the time’? Just absolute craziness. Commusoft allowed us to have processes and procedures. We know we’re not missing any money. We’re not missing and forgetting about invoices. Because everything is a report. I go into my reporting and I see the jobs that are completed that need to be billed, the ones that need attention”.

reports and dashboard overview

Commusoft’s reporting software offers 40+ preconfigured reports, the ability to filter data, create custom resorts, and more.

Optimised Remote Operations

Voity Electrical electricians are thriving with their new mobile workflows: “The staff was very excited about the software and finding solutions and having it being so custom. The crew loves the Office Tasks. That’s their favourite one.”

Office tasks notifiy staff

Commusoft’s Office Tasks feature empowers engineers to make requests and tasks for office staff.

Mary-Rachel elaborates,

“With the remote teams, we did get laptops for them, and they also have their clock in and clock out within the system, which eliminated our payroll service because now everything is in Commusoft…Everything is in front of them.”

Commusoft strengthens working relationships and oversight between the office and field.

Mobile app collecting timesheet data

Commusoft’s timesheets feature automatically logs time spent traveling and at job sites.

She explains, “I’m on top of things…I get to track what’s going on with their time and make sure there isn’t any kind of craziness going on.”

Exceptional Customer Service

Kindness and great service was always at the core of Voity Electrical. With Commusoft, they were able to focus on their customer experiences.

Mary-Rachel states,

“Our customers are amazed that people actually call them back or answer the phone. But also the confirmations, cause we know when the technicians are gonna be there. Because everything’s customisable, we’re able to do some branding within the communication. With the customer journey, we can just bring them along”.

These efforts have paid off. Mary-Rachel was excited to share “12 months ago, our Google rating was a 3.0 and now today we’re a 3.8!” Voity Electrical is continuously improving; as of May 2023, they currently boast a 4.4 rating on Google!

customer satisfaction coming from after-sales care portal data

Voity Electrical is Growing With Commusoft

Voity Electrical has hit the ground running and are excited to build on their success.

Mary-Rachel explains,

“We’re able to work on the business, not in the business…We’ve moved into a new warehouse space because we have the ability to track inventory. In the next five years, I would like to hire another office staff. I’ll be able to run three different crews with three different leaders, and be able to control all those things like prices and parts. We want to scan the parts when we start picking parts. And I want to have a part-time job for someone to pick parts. So then the crew can just focus on the job at hand”.

Voity Electrical found their confidence with Commusoft. Their system is organised, and they’re in full control of their growth.

Most importantly, with work details squared away, the Voitys have time to spend together as a family. Mary-Rachel was excited to share, “We get more family time. When I say ’Commusoft saved my marriage’, I’m really not kidding. We very rarely forget the details now that need to make the business run smoothly. We’re able to be proactive instead of reactive.”

She concludes, “In hindsight, we still would make our choice again. Commusoft allows us to streamline everything and make us more meaty instead of fat.”

Voity Electrical is clearly going to electrify the industry, and will continue to thrill more and more customers; there’s no looking back.

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